MATH/SCIENCE: Use steamship resources to learn this method for converting measurements.
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Learning Objective:
- learn how to use the method of dimensional analysis to solve simple problems.
- understand how to use conversion factors to turn one unit into another unit of measurement, for example kilometers to miles, through steamship examples.
- convert one unit of measurement into another.
*This method can be used to solve problems in math, science, and engineering.
Poster from the Stephen Barrett Chase Collection, SSHSA Archives.

Education Standards
Next Generation Science Standards
- NGSS Science Practice 5: “Using Mathematics and Computational Thinking”
- NGSS Crosscutting Concept 3: “Scale, Proportion, and Quantity”
- CCSS.Math.Content.HSN-Q.A.1 – Standard: Use units as a way to understand problems and to guide the solution of multi-step problems; choose and interpret units consistently in formulas
- Dimensional analysis
- unit conversion
- scale
- proportion
- quantity
- units
- formula
- What is dimensional analysis?
- How can it be used when solving problems?
Sentence Stems
- Dimensional analysis is _____.
- Dimensional analysis can be used when ____.
Materials Needed
- Math notebooks
- technology to watch the videos
- pencils
- colored pencils for notes (optional)
Lesson Opening
Have students watch Chris Koutros, Chemistry Teacher at Oliver Ames School, explain the method of using dimensional analysis to solve conversion problems. Have students take notes based on the video. Do the practice problem with a partner at minute 6:34. Remind students to show all work as needed.
Part 1
Lesson Body
Independent or partner/group work: watch part 2 of the dimensional analysis video. Pause the video where appropriate and solve the practice problems. Students can solve individually then pass their work to a partner and check each other’s work. Remind students to show all work as needed.
Part 2
Have students use the measurements found in this poster to solve the problems below.

Directions: Show all work when possible. Use dimensional analysis for all conversion problems.
- How many days did it take to travel from Duca di Genova (the port of the city of Genoa) to New York?
- Convert the number of days from #1 to the number of hours.
Lesson Closing
Whole group or small groups, have students explain what dimensional analysis is and how and when it can be used to solve problems. Students can project their work to help with their explanations.
Have students create their own problems for others to solve. Post them around the classroom for students to solve or have students pass them around for others to solve.
Additional Resources
Dimensional analysis practice for students.
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