
Hours: Monday to Friday, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.

Phone: (401) 463-3570
Fax: (401) 463-3572

Contact Us:

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    Executive Director – Matthew Schulte

    Education Director – Aimee Bachari

    Membership Coordinator Amy Rajack

    Archivist – Astrid Drew 

    Chief Curator of Collections Jordan Berson

    Administrative Assistant Katelyn Ferragamo

    Grant Writer Linda Impagliazzo

    Fundraising Consultant Lori DiPersio

    Fundraising Consultant Mary Roda

    Development Assistant Sydney Austin

    PowerShips Editor – Jim Pennypacker

    Delaware Valley Chapter – Contact: Steve Loveless, Chairman:

    Golden Gate Chapter – Contact: Norman Freitag, President:

    Southern California Chapter – Contact: Bruce Vancil, Chairman:

    Southern New England Chapter – Contact: Barry Eager, Chairman: