Coming up with homeschool curriculum can be difficult. It helps if you let state standards guide you. At SSHSA, we strive for our free lesson plans to conform to the most used education standards nationwide. Common Core and Next Generation Science Standards are the most widely adhered to standards across the United States. When applicable, we try to add other state education standards. If you are looking for free educational lessons, look no further.
STEAMing Into the Future provides free, standards-aligned lesson plans for grades K-12 in STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Math) plus Social Studies. Teach through primary sources straight from our archive and collection. Many of these lessons have extensions for grades higher as well. Below you will find links to lesson plans that are most useful for homeschool curriculum. If you are in Rhode Island or Massachusetts and would like to visit the Ship History Center in Warwick, please email steam@sshsa.org.