“The passengers of the First and Second Class are requested not to throw money or eatables to the steerage passengers, thereby creating disturbance and annoyance.” — Shipboard Notice, circa 1860
Lesson Plans

Chinese and Japanese Immigration to America: Use this lesson plan to teach about Asian immigration to Hawaii and the West Coast of the United States.
(Grades 9 – 12)

Desegregating the SS Columbia: Students will learn about racial tensions in 1940s Detroit, the fight to desegregate the SS Columbia, and the role of Thurgood Marshall.
(Grades 9 – 12)

Italian Immigration to Providence: Learn about Italian immigration to Rhode Island on board the Fabre Line.
(Grades 9 – 12)

Mississippi Steamboats- Enslavement and Freedom: Students will learn the ways in which steamboats facilitated the enslavement of people and the ways in which they allowed for freedom of movement and, for some, escape to the Northern states.
(Grades 9 – 12)

Immigration Then & Now: Have your students learn with primary sources and oral history in this lesson on immigration. Compare and contrast differing immigration stories from 1920 and 1956 on steamships with immigration today.
(Grades 3 – 5, 5 – 8)
Other Topics to Explore
Secondary Sources
Click here to download the pdf of Lorraine Coons and Alexander Varias, Tourist Third Cabin: Steamship Travel in the Interwar Years, “‘The Soul of a Ship’: Experience and Life of ‘Below-Deck’ Personnel” (New York: Palgrave MacMillan, 2003).
Click here to download the pdf of Coons and Varias, Tourist Third Class, “‘Traveling Palace’ or ‘Floating Sweatshop’: The Experiences of Women Seafarers”
Additional Resources on Social Studies
Rhode Tour Teaching – “The Dorr Rebellion” and “Industrial Heritage Along the Woonasquatucket.” The GSEs for Social Studies are approved by the Rhode Island Department of Education and are broken down into four categories: Civics and Government, Historical Perspectives, Geography, and Economics.
View the Rhode Island Historical Society’s lesson plans.
Sunday on the River (1961) by Gordon Hitchens and Ken Resnick. 30 min. Photographed in part on the Alexander Hamilton showing charted outings by Harlem church congregations. Click here to view Part I and Part II of the film.
Byron S. Miller, Sail, Steam, and Splendour: A Picture History of Life Aboard the Transatlantic Liners (New York: Times Books, 1977).